Room 2 Websites

Monday, February 17, 2014

MORE 2014 C.T.S. FUN by S.M. and S.H.

                                               ROOM 2 RABBIT ISLAND TRIP                                                                          

On Friday we went to Rabbit Island. We had an awesome day.  We had to play with our buddies.

                                                                    This is what we did.
                                                               We had lunch.
                                                                 We went swimming.
                                                                    There were big waves.
                                                           We playing in the sand.
                                                             Someone is covered in wet sand.
                                                                            It was fun.

Lazing in the sun.

                           African drums and they made different sounds.

                                           Look at us playing the drums.
                                            Playing the drums and having fun.


Anonymous said...

Nice one :) Looks like it was a great day at Rabbit Island.
Have an awesome year Room 2

Anonymous said...

Nice one Finn, what an awesome big buddy you are, taking such good care of your little buddy, thank you, from Silas' mum