Room 2 Websites

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cycle Way / Walk Way Model

Room  2  has been  working  on this model of the cycle way. We have been working really hard.      The first thing we did was a plan in our topic books of how the cycle way would look in our environment.  The best plan was chosen.  The next job was to draw the map onto a table plan.  It was the job for Celine, Izzy and Kayla to do.  They painted in the road, pathway and grass areas.  Everyone made a person or a bike out of colourful wire.  Buildings were constructed out of boxes, paper or lego.  We included a model of our school, the Fish and Chip shop and Four Square shop.  We built fences around the buildings.  A farm was included behind Joey's house.  Extras include, Fifeshire Rock with its tree on top, a Vote for Us sign, a model of the Principal standing outside his school,  models of plants along the pond that we planted during winter etc.  It was a team effort and every bodies ideas were valued and added as we went along. Every member of our class, including our teacher had heaps of fun.  HAVE A GOOD LOOK and see if you can spot the things in our model we have mentioned above.  Enjoy. 

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