Room 2 Websites

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cycle Way / Walk Way Model

Cycle Way / Walk Way Model

Room  2  has been  working  on this model of the cycle way. We have been working really hard.      The first thing we did was a plan in our topic books of how the cycle way would look in our environment.  The best plan was chosen.  The next job was to draw the map onto a table plan.  It was the job for Celine, Izzy and Kayla to do.  They painted in the road, pathway and grass areas.  Everyone made a person or a bike out of colourful wire.  Buildings were constructed out of boxes, paper or lego.  We included a model of our school, the Fish and Chip shop and Four Square shop.  We built fences around the buildings.  A farm was included behind Joey's house.  Extras include, Fifeshire Rock with its tree on top, a Vote for Us sign, a model of the Principal standing outside his school,  models of plants along the pond that we planted during winter etc.  It was a team effort and every bodies ideas were valued and added as we went along. Every member of our class, including our teacher had heaps of fun.  HAVE A GOOD LOOK and see if you can spot the things in our model we have mentioned above.  Enjoy. 

Monday, October 20, 2008

Dress Ups

On the last day of term three, we had fun dressing up as our favourite book character.  Can you guess who we are dressed as in our photo?


When Clifton Terrace School was making masks for the mask parade we lots of fun.  We made crickets and two types of butterflies.  It was fun marching down the main street on Friday night, looking very smart in our lovely school red tops.  We sang our hearts out and had heaps of fun.     


Inquiry Learning

Inquiry Learning

We enjoyed using the Inquiry Learning approach to find out about the planets.  As well as using the computers, we search for information using books, interviewed people and best of all visited the Atkinson Cawthron Observatory.  We had to make the observatory during the evening in the dark so we could see clearly.  

Daniel's Mathematics Build

Daniel had heaps of fun building a construction during his geometry lesson.  He was keen to construct using repetitive patterns.  You can see that Daniel is very proud of his construction. 

Monday, October 13, 2008

Candle Blowing

On the 27 september 2008 Clifton Terrace School went to  town  to celebrate a very special  birthday party - Nelson city 150th birthday.  Fifteen students were chosen from our school to come to the party and blow out a candle each.  They also received a yummy piece of chocolate cake.  Three very lucky students from Room 2, Emma, Celine and Caitlin were able to attend.  They also enjoyed holding our special school flag as they marched along the city streets.