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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Room 2 Narrative Snippets

Narrative Snippets

Enjoy reading our snippets. We looked at pictures then choose one to write about.

Our learning intentions included descriptive vocabulary and impact

T. S.

Once upon a time there was a very creaky old bus. The lights would flicker when the bus would start. The bus is a very old double decker bus.

We had a fun day until the bus suddenly stopped.

O. H.

Wow! This is amazing. All these animals are awesome. I just saw a skinny fox with a big bushy tail.

I just saw a bumpy, slimy, muddy and stinky huhu grub.

Wow! I saw a small slivering snake with sandy skin.

F. L.

Once upon a time there were four little kids who needed to take their annoying granny to the airport.

The creaky old aeroplane planned to leave at seven o’clock.

But what the children don’t know is that there is a sneaky fox watching them.

C. B.

They chanted through the corridor on they went to the green, green grass of the stadium. They all stood up straight ‘like soliders’ with pride and courage.

They strode out the corridor, into a flash of light, then started to jog. On they went.

I. M.

We sat down on a flat rock and had a red juicy apple each.

H. M.

I can’t wait to get to the palace. As I gazed at the shiny gold fence towards the shimmering place, I stepped off the old wooden steps of the bus. Then I walked under the shiny gold gates and I felt like a royal princess, walking over the shiny glass golden floor inside the palace. I reached the ivy covered wooden door. I reached for the golden handle of the palace door and knocked the huge heavy silver golden knocker. Bang, bang, bang.

J. H.

One beautiful Saturday morning.

L. T.

Once I went on a big cherry bus. It was as bumpy as a bumper boat like splashing me in the face.

It got pulled down like a field of buffalos running through a cinder block.

E. O.

Once upon a time there was shiny and sparkling bus. It was taking a kind person to the swishing and splashing beach.

C. B.

In the middle of the game the stars popped out and shone like some gleaming glittering bunch of stars again. Then there was a problem. The stars kept growing longer and longer.

J. C.

It was blinding, life in Hong Kong was just blinding And the noise It sounded like you needed to wear ear-muffs. Even worse, if you were wearing ear-muffs the noise would still be blasting

O. G.

One very cold Sunday night two small boys bought two small tickets to a huge game. When they got into their seats there were no players. Ten minutes later still no players. What are we going to watch? Just then a bus pulled over onto the side of the road. “The Crusaders”, the crowd went wild.

They walked through the open gates into their dim, dark changing rooms.

C. A.

Once a big bus went up a big hill and picked up an alien in disguise. It was big and green. It had its hand in its pocket. It pulled out a gun.

E. B.

A dirty, muddy bus was being washed at a huge station. There were about twenty men washing the red double decker bus.

J. B.

I went to the cool rugby game with my dad and my sister. It was a freezing night. We had to wear heaps of clothes.

M. F.

Sadly, it was time to get out of the shiny black limo and into my cool house.

E. C.

Last holidays my family went to Hong Kong on a shiny aeroplane.

M. R.

Look at the smooth shining rock.

C. S.

Out of nowhere appeared a golden, beautiful, shimmering, shining bus.

L. D

Tuesday morning, rugby begins, the stadiums roar. The players come out.

M. C.

Ruby, we are going on the magic school bus. Yes, we are going on the magic school bus.

E. S.

There was a problem. All the people were hurrying.

O. M.

It went through a pool. You have to believe me!

L. M.

The house sat on a small, lumpy, muddy, slippery hill.

E. W.

The alien was stuck on the window making it blurry.

J. H.

He finally got home.

E. J.

Once upon a time they enjoyed going on the bus, except the bus got lost.

C. E

A kid went for a walk in a big thick bush, with tall, tall trees and small little plants.

K. L.

The big red shining tram slowly plunged out of the depot to the first station. It stopped a metre away.

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