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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Trees, Trees and More Trees

Faulkner Bush Visit Recount

By: E.S., J.C., C.B., B.T. and M.R.

Tuesday 20 March

Room’s 2 and 15

Trees, Trees and More Trees

After a long and winding drive, we finally felt the touch of soft grass as we arrived at Faulkner Bush. Clambering and rushing out of cars we gobbled down our yummy morning teas. Roll call over, we were all safe and sound.

Tip toeing along the long windy track, we all stopped to rest, look and draw what our wise eyes could see. Long sharp pencils were pulled out of bags. Observational drawings flowed out before us of what our eyes were seeing. Long, narrow, fuzzy trees were blocking the sky. Birds were chirping. Fantails darted from tree to tree. Wood pigeons sunk down into gigantic trees. Drawings finished, we walked up, up and up to the lookout through more bush covered tracks. At the top of the hill, the cool breeze swept through our hair. Next we made landscape drawings. Grumbling tummies accompanied our slow and careful walk down the steep slope, past the grassy slides, past the scouts’ den and over the old homestead steps back for lunch.

After munching our lunch, we went off to play games with our friends. Time was up at 2pm, so we had to walk slowly back to our cars and returned to C.T.S. feeling exhausted and happy. Phew, it was a long day. Is it nearly bed time?

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