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Monday, March 7, 2011

C.T.S. - Garden Lunch

Each fortnight Petra comes to assist us maintain our school garden. Last Wednesday we picked, chopped and prepared lots of lovely produce from our garden and produced an enormous lunch for us all. Have a look at our photos and see what fun we had. Thank you to Petra for helping us. It was a true team effort.


Anonymous said...

What a great way to eat healthy and have fun together!!! Now can you all come to MY garden and do the same?? HEE HEE, great job room 2!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great way to eat healthy and have fun together!!! Now can you all come to MY garden and do the same?? HEE HEE, great job room 2!!!! Rebecca Hardiman, Brooklyn's mother

Unknown said...

That lunch looks fun, Benjamin Lees Rm14

Anonymous said...

Wow....what an amazing way to take care of your wonderful school and keeping fit as well as having a great time and for the kids they kept on persevering. Well you might have seen a kid fall over once or twice but most of them didn't cry.