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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kakapo Visits Our School by Finnian and Nick

On the 9th of November a kakapo visited Clifton Terrace School. The whole school peered through the conservatory windows at the kakpo. Kalibe gave it a crisp kumera to eat. The kakapo had beautiful swampy green feathers and it was great.


Anonymous said...

I would so love to have been at Clifton Terrace on that day. I have always wanted to see a kakapo for real but have never ever.

You are so lucky.

Keep up the great work.

Allanah K

Moturoa Classroom

Appleby School


Anonymous said...

As there are only 125 kakakapo's remaining that we still know of I suppose this one visited with a human aide.

You are very lucky nonetheless....