Room 2 Websites

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Room 7 Clifton Tce School said...

Cool show Room 2 I really enjoyed it . From Jessica N

Anonymous said...

To Room 2 I really enjoyed your show at the hall. It was
COOL from Jessica N.

Anonymous said...

hi room 2. i loved your show but mostly the hoolahoops. the dancing was good too. i wonder how tiring that was.
from olivia in room 6.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic assembly Room 2. I enjoyed every moment especially Mrs Evans smiling face and her swaying to the music. Look forward to your next one!!!!

Simon Kirkham said...

Well done to you all, I can’t wait to see the video when I get back home. I believe I’m coming tree planting again this year. A friend of ours who is a secondary teacher in the UK is over on holiday, and came to see your assembly and was very impressed indeed. I hope the face paint came of easily!
See you all soon