Room 2 Websites

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Room 2 Comics

Room 2 students had lots of fun retelling a traditional story in a comic strip format. Our learning intentions included correct punctation such as using speech marks, questions etc. These are called surface features. Our deeper features involved the use of direct speech which is easily seen in our comics. Do you like our speech bubbles? We also tried to include verbs to make our writing more exciting and interesting. Now please sit back and enjoy our work and read as much as you would like. Cheers :-)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Harold arrived at our school assembly 9am on Monday morning. It was a lovely surprise and exciting watching Harold dancing and jigging about. Unfortunately he was unable to speak to us. Later this week we plan to visit the Life Education bus and visit Harold. We will learn about being happy and healthy with an emphasis on our feelings.