Room 2 Websites

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Magic Olive Picking by H.B. and U.V.

The olive picking adventure started today

 Picking olives with happy smiling faces.

Picking olives with our best friends.

Raking and shaking as the olives fell down.

People catching the olives as they zoomed to the ground.

At the end of the day. 
Team Players hip, hip, hooray. 

More Music in Room 2 by U.V. and H.B.

We have been learning about pitch.  We used bhoomwackers and chime bars to create up and down sounds.  We discovered that shorter lengths become higher note sounds. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Before School and Lunch Time Choices by B.D. and B.B.

Look at me reading a book in the lunch time.  I started at chapter 1 and I read to chapter 2. The book was called Zac Power.

  We are doing the class room job's before school.  We make sure our desks are tidy and we have a sharp pencil.  If our books are put in order we run a smooth day.