Room 2 Websites

Monday, March 24, 2014

Miniball by J. H. and G .J.

Rolling Races 
                                                       Rolling around with figure eights.
 Playing Pirates and stealing balls.
 Sharks, Ships and Shore.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Music - Four Beats - by F.S. and L.H.

Each week our class is learning about music.  We played an ostinato which is a repeated pattern at our assembly.
Watch us play an ostinato in Room 2.
What do you think of us playing our four beat obstinate?
Look forward to seeing your comments posted.

WITS - Survival Swimming - Purple Cake Day by L.H. and F.S.

Elgrego Show with
Walk away
Talk bout it
Stop it
                                                             Swimming Survival Event 
                                          Swimmers trying to swim in shorts shoes and t-shirt.
                                      We are pretending we have fallen off a boat into the sea.
                                                          We are practicing what to do.

                                                        Purple Cake Day fun hip hip hoary.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Middle Syndicate Swimming Sports 5.3.14 by P.R. and J.T.

Swimmers getting ready for swimming.
 Swimmers ready to go
 Flutter boards flutter away.
 Swimmers standing on victory.
 Swimmers ready to dive into their dream.
Stroking away.  
Victory smiles 
 Swimming through the waves.
 Relay winners hip hip hooray. 

Triathlon 2014 by P.R. and J.T.

People waiting for their turn.

 Races ready to start.

 Racers running to their  bikes. 
 Bikes speeding off.
 Races running to victory.
 Yay to all the winners.