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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Marae Visit

Marae Visit

  • It was fun because we learnt about the Maori culture and had access to almost all of the Marae.  I liked learning about the legends in the Meeting House.  I felt really confident when I made my thank you speech and I was not lying.  It was the truth.  R. J.
  • Getting to know about the Marae was fun.  E. D.
  • I enjoyed looking at the sculptures which were carved in wood.  We met the man who did all of the carving and watch him still carving.  It was amazing.  M. L.
  • I enjoyed learning about the old church which was really cool.  C. M.
  • I found that each sulpture and weaving in the Meeting House told a story.  A. M.
  • I could not imagine that one man could do such big carvings out of just one log. T. C.
  • I liked learning about the carvings and seeing a bit of how they were made.  E. F.
  • I liked how we were welcomed by the Kapa Haka group as we entered the Marae. R.S.

Monday, November 18, 2013

More Music With Tanya - by A.M.

We formed groups and used instruments to make a little music band.  We had to remember to have a rhythm pattern.  It was also very important that everybody shared their ideas.  The song in our group had to have different patterns that worked together. Our sounds could not be the same.  

Touch Rugby - Planting a Rugby Ball by G.F. and H.W.

Nathan taught us how to touch the rugby ball.  It was lots of fun.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Music Lesson - Trumpet Playing - C.T.S. Olive Oil by J.F. L.R. and O.M.

  Tanya gave us instruments.   We had to follow an ostinato beat on the board. Next we made up beats of our own and played it.  I felt excited when everyone was playing a different tune.   

L. played a series of songs.  Some were hard and some were very easy.  On that day we got to sit where ever we liked as a treat.  It was cool and we are going to do it this Friday again.

C.T.S. has produced its very own olive oil.  The morning we all had a tasting session. The bread soaked up the oil flavour.  We think the olive oil is best used in a proper meal, like roast chicken.