Room 2 Websites

Monday, November 21, 2011

Lily's Farewell Party - by Emma, Caitlyn and Harmony

Hello Lilly we miss you already. We hope you have a nice time in Sweden. It must be freezing going back to winter. Mrs Evans saw very low temperatures on t.v. On a brighter side, you will be glad to see your family and friends again. Have a look at our photos of us all at your farewell party. Do you like the photo of Lydia and Caitlyn dancing? Love from Room 2.

Science Fair Certificates and Medals by Kate and Leah

Last week at our school assembly Kate received a certificate and Leah a medal. These were received for our efforts at the recent inter-school Science and Technology Fair.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Swim Safe by Finn, Ben and Osheana

It is sort of unpleasant when you get pulled up by the life vest but once you start swimming
it feels quite good really.

The life jacket was a bit heavy but felt soft.

It was fun bubbling along in the waves.