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Monday, May 30, 2011

My Diary by Leah

Today it decided to pour on us. It bucketed down like anything. I looked behind me at the window. There were little streams of water running down it. Every time someone opened the door a terrific sound of rain would fill your ears. Yesterday in class Fin and I got told that we were in the Enviro Club. Electricity flooded my veins, excitement whizzing in my head. A smile spread over my face. Today had been electronic.

Last night I went to Riverside Pool for swimming lessons.
Inch by inch I walked down the icy cold water Brrrrrrrrrrrr. My coach gave me a huge smile. A lovely sort of glow came over me.

Monday, May 23, 2011

My Diary by Grace

Dear Diary.
It was a dreadful night because it was stormy. I disappeared under my blankets to see if it was a dream but it wasn't. This was the worst night ever. I felt quite scared.

Aha, yesterday I got a principles award. I had got to admit that it was the best Wednesday ever. .

My Diary by Emma

I was on Monday Bintang my cat was acting ever so sad. His eyes where like hard diamonds that had just been broken.

Its finally Friday yeh. The good of it all is that Bintang looks as happy as a petal.

I felt proud of Bintang because he has got over the tried, sad, or mad thing. Now I fell like I have just got flowers from Bintang in honour.

My Diary by Brooke

Dear Diary
Yesterday there was a terrible storm. The thunder rumbled like a big monster. The lightning flashed like an evil eye blinking at me.

Mathematics Clean Up by Mani, Brooke and Brooklyn

On Wednesday we three members of magnificent Room 2 noticed an environmental responsibility need in the classroom. We decided to have a go at sorting, labelling, fixing, ordering and cleaning up the maths equipment. We felt extremely awesome when we achieved it. We announced to the class that everyone should respect it now because it is tidy. In return we all got 2000 bonus points each! Yippy we got into it. We found it was great fun getting a job well done!!!!!!!!!
By Mani Brooke and Brooklyn.

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Fabulous Concert Party by Poppie, Leah, Elizabeth and Lilly

At the end of last term, Room 2 had a fabulous concert. Elizabeth was a great as a warm and friendly narrator. She explained things in a delightful way. Lilly was wonderful at piano playing. Her fingers were like little fairies as she danced them along the keys. Leah, Poppie and Lydia also shared talents with us all. The party was yummy. We had lots of cool food. We had a room full of excited, hungry kids enjoying themselves.

A Fabulous Concert Party