Room 2 Websites

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Go All Whites

We dressed up for the day :-)

Go All Whites go :-)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Java Dance Company

We had the pleasure of watching a very special dance and mime company performance. Have a go, yes you can do it. It was fantastic having the opportunity watching Gina a past student from C.T.S. as an adult performer. I am sure our recent Production will motivate some of us in Room 2 to also make a career out of dance and drama in the future.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Thank you :-)

Room 2 would like to thank all parents and caregivers who helped up make our costumes by supervising our cutting of leaves and gluing leaves to our costumes. Enjoy our photos and check out the rest of the school website for more production pictures.

"A Big Green Adventure"

Room 2 has lovely taking part in our school production. We featured as trees, in scene 2. This scene involved "talking trees" and we all sang a song "It Doesn't Pay to be a Tree today" with dance movements. Enjoy looking at our photos showing our costumes and make up.