Room 2 Websites

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Shared Lunch and Winning Pizza Award

Our class was a winner.
Pizza for the Cleanest Class
Shared Lunch for the last day of term 3

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Growing and Changing - Just Relaxing by L.K., S.M. and U.V.

First, we got into a circle. We had to move around a bit and wiggle in. 

Ah, just relaxing drawing clouds.

We got ready to dot with our fingers up and down. We felt pitter, patter raindrops falling on our backs.

After that we felt thunder and lightning crashing onto our backs.

At the end we put our arms around the person in front of us. We all leaned forward and hugged each other. Next we leaned back really slowly until we were lying on the person behind us.  It was all good fun. 

Player of the Year - Soccer by U.V.

I am proud of myself for accomplishing Player of the Year for Soccer.