Room 2 Websites

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Alert Crocodile In The Sandpit by J.H., G.J and U.V

Attacked by a crocodile.  Oh no.  This took us all morning tea and lunch time to build. It was build as a competition in our classroom. We won the competition. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Tennis on the Terrace by P.R. and B.B.

We are playing awesome tennis.

Everyone likes playing a game of tennis.

Here is a class member hitting the ball.

Here is our coach teaching.

Good I will have a turn hitting the ball.

Together we smile as we hit the ball.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Magical Music by P.R. and L.K.

Pointing and Learning

These are our word's
Simile like a ...............x2

Here are the recorder's

Here I am conducting.

Into the Magical Woods by L.K. and P.R.

This beautiful girl sings like birds in the

The mean Simon Cow stole Rapunzel's voice

The handsome prince climbed Rapunzel's hair

Monday, October 20, 2014

Action C.T.S. Room 2 by L.H. and J.T.

Read and feed in the sun.  Wearing hats to protect us from the sun. 

Protecting our listening ears.

Poi making with our buddies.  

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Shared Lunch and Winning Pizza Award

Our class was a winner.
Pizza for the Cleanest Class
Shared Lunch for the last day of term 3

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Growing and Changing - Just Relaxing by L.K., S.M. and U.V.

First, we got into a circle. We had to move around a bit and wiggle in. 

Ah, just relaxing drawing clouds.

We got ready to dot with our fingers up and down. We felt pitter, patter raindrops falling on our backs.

After that we felt thunder and lightning crashing onto our backs.

At the end we put our arms around the person in front of us. We all leaned forward and hugged each other. Next we leaned back really slowly until we were lying on the person behind us.  It was all good fun. 

Player of the Year - Soccer by U.V.

I am proud of myself for accomplishing Player of the Year for Soccer.  

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

The C.T.S. Golden Pickles

On Saturday there is a netball tournament.  
Here we are making our banner.
Wish us luck.
Hopefully we will win.

Tree Planting by C.H. and M.M.

Watching and learning how to plant a tree.

Planting and flattening the dirt to keep the moisture in. 

Keeping the plant warm and wet underneath.

Digging up the dirt to put the tree in.

Whacking, pulling and pushing the plant out.

Everyone is working very hard digging and planting.

Holding a tower of planters.

Now we are done.  It was fun.
We did it all.
Do you love our dirty classroom photo?

Monday, August 11, 2014

Chucklers Here We Come

An enormous thanks to parents / caregivers / friends who helped create our costumes.  We could not have done it without your support.  A true team effort which is appreciated by all.
Now come to the see the show Wednesday and Thursday nights. 