Room 2 Websites

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Taha Maori using Laptops for Learning by E.O. and F.L.

We have been learning about the Maori language. Please try this website:

It makes easier if you can see and hear how we should speak correctly.

More Science with Stirling J.H. and O.H.

On Wednesday we learnt about
gasses, liquid and solids.
It was really cool and lots of fun.
The liquid made fire.
We got candles. We lit them on a fire.
Next we put a cup of flour into a jug.
The vinegar in the jug made the candle.
This happened when we scooped the

Fund Raising by O.M. and M.C.

Mufti day at C.T.S WOW!!!
The coin trial was for child cancer.
A student in our room has a sister who had child cancer.
We collected over $300.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Today we went to the Life Education bus . Gosh it was enjoyable. Harold the giraffe sang a song. We all need to be kind to Billy. He was in the movie.

Ronald McDonald - Make It Click by H.M. and I.M.

Ronald McDonald told us to Stop, Look and Listen and make it click.
Mrs E loves his boots :-) He was really funny because his sock was tucked in behind his tie the whole time.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Whirling Science with Stirling by C.B. and J.H.

This was fun. I got to light the fire lighter C.B.
Super fun, super fun indeed!!!J.H.