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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Winter Sports - By Grace and Bo

On the twenty fourth of August the Senior Syndicate went to winter sports. The teachers were in a rush. It was a really hot and a perfect day for sport. The senior syndicate had to have lunch early and then leave for the bus. When the buses got there everyone split up into groups. It was exhausting, everybody needed a drink. The sports were soccer, netball, table tennis, rugby, mini-ball and hockey. On one bus was netball and soccer and on the other bus was table tennis, mini-ball and hockey. When the buses got back to school, everybody went back to their classes. It was a great day and everyone had fun.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Photos taken by Sophie

Sports by Sophie and Rebecca

Last week the sports leadership group taught Room 2 some different sports. The games they taught us were, Square tag, Builders and Bulldozers. This is how you play Builders and Bulldozers. You have to have about 10 people. Split them into even groups then you get some cones and spread them out up and down. You want to turn them over, however you can't turn 2 over at the same time. There was a variety of games that we could play. This is how you play Square tag. We have about 10 people. It is just tag but the squares are home.