Room 2 Websites

Monday, November 24, 2008


We started swimming a few days ago.  It is fun because we are learning how to swim safely.  Our skills include floating, overarm, backstroke and butterfly.  Thank you to our school for heating our pool.  It is so cool slipping into the lovely warm water which is usually about 26 degrees each day.  


Group 3 and Group 4 made board games.  Our first task was to read a book of poems.  We then selected one poem to create a board game from.  Our learning intention was to extend ideas beyond the text and develop creativity and graphic skills.  We had a think, made a plan which included what we needed, special features and the rules. The next  job was to design our board game.  After that we made our game.  After passing the Mrs Evans perfection test Rosie kindly laminated them.  The last task was to play our games.  It was cool fun.  Please enjoy viewing our blog.  

Monday, November 10, 2008


On Wednesday Guy Fawkes day Room 2 and 10 went to Mapua Aquarium. Room 2 went into the Discovery Room. Richard told as about fish. Next we went into the aquarium to have a look at the beautiful fish. We went to have a picnic lunch by the sea.  After lunch we went for a walk and a play. After walking back to the bus we waited for room 10 to come back then went back to school. It was fun riding in the big bus and thanks to all of the parents and caregivers who looked after us.  It was fun.